No wonder I crave "girls day out" sometimes. Even shopping with my stags ends up being about boys ski jackets, lug boots, and Hanes briefs. When it's my turn to get something for myself, I usually wait until I can go out alone because the stags get impatient while I browse through the aisles.
The number of Stags in my life : My brother Leif has a son. I have two sons. My step-sister Ro has 3 sons. John's brother Andre has a son... see what I mean?
The energy in this home changes a little bit when a female comes over. My mom's visits are always nice because just the sound of her voice adds a girly-ness to the background noise of this man cave. My sister-in-law Tina adds her own feminine energy to this space with her delicious home made desserts and her sweet laughter.

But I can tell this will not be easy. As I type this, Lucas and I are also making a "knight's castle" (his words not mine) out of a large cardboard box. The colors: red, grey, brown, black, green. I asked Lucas, "If you are a knight, then what am I?"
"You're the King," he said without hesitation. Great.
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