Our living room is small. Actually our entire downstairs is small. I can sit with my laptop in the dining room and still sort of be able to read John's computer monitor across the room while he's in the living room. If you've ever been to our place, you know! Today, I have been having trouble getting John's attention. I don't mean in a naughty way or anything. More like when I ask him a question from across the room, he doesn't move, doesn't flinch, and DOES NOT ANSWER for like 5 minutes. By the time he utters an answer, I am left wondering what he is talking about because I already forgot my question. When John is killing monsters, the eyes are continuously glued to the monitor. The ears don't work so well.
So, out of irritation, I pulled up my Yahoo messenger tab on my laptop and typed out a message to John. "This is your wife speaking," and then I pressed "send". I looked across the room to see if he notices the message blinking on the corner of his monitor. His head turned slightly toward the blinking, and I heard the keyboard clicking away.... "I am all ears," he responds.
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