If you have met Lucas, you know that size-wise, everything about him i
s small. Lucas is just fitting into his size 6 pants even though he just turned 7. I know people come in all shapes and sizes. But Lucas' smallness also extends into his jaw. I once heard a dentist say that mixed-race children sometimes get the Asian jaw (smaller) and the Caucasian teeth (bigger) in the same mouth. Ian had to get 2 teeth pulled out when he was round 10 years old to make room for his other erupting teeth. I was worried that he would have weird gaps in his teeth as a result, but that did not happen. His teeth are actually remarkably straight for being a thumb-sucker (Sorry, Ian!)... no braces needed.

Lucas' recent dental check ups have been going well, except that the possible use of a palate expander may likely be needed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palatal_expander The need for this contraption is evident now that his two front baby teeth have fallen out and are being replaced by giant chicklet-sized front teeth. Don't get me wrong, they are beautiful, smooth, shiny new front teeth, but there will be no room for much else after they emerge. We finally consulted with an orthodontist and he wants to place an expander in this summer... Gulp! John and I will be given a key that turns the screw in the expander about once a week helping to widen the upper jaw gradually.
Lucas will have to be introduced to this delicately. He may feel like he is being punished for something he did... "if you are a bad boy, the dentist will give you a PALATE EXPANDER!"... Plus having Mom or Dad turn the screw a bit each week will probably but a slight strain on our relationship... How
many Legos can be purchase to make this painless?

Maybe we should start saving up now?