So my husband jokes with me all the time that he is such a patient husband (and I guess I am not a patient wife) that he will start a support group called HAMM or "Husbands against Moreno Mothers." Moreno mothers are the strong-willed women, wives, and mothers that are descendants of the Luz Moreno blood line. Our grandma or Lola Luz was an original and a pioneer in many ways. Definitely the matriarch of the family, raising seven children. Even in her 90's she was still very much sought after for advice by the family. She will be missed.
So I guess this husband's club called HAMM, that John is teasing about starting, is kind of a tribute to Lola Luz. My Dad knows about HAMM and has decided he should be President of HAMM, and John has appointed himself CEO of HAMM. John thinks that my uncles (married to my mom's sisters) should also be promoted to high offices among the ranks of HAMM members for time served.
John and my Dad have gone so far as to try to come up with a slogan, if you can believe this: "Be not afraid" ... or maybe "Be very afraid"... When John and the other husbands start in on this fictitious club, I just have to sit, smile, and listen. First of all, it's entertaining to see them joke around and plan future meetings and discuss who "should be recruited..." etc. They are like little boys giggling, high-five-ing each other, and carrying on like they are getting away with a naughty deed.
Don't get me wrong, the wives need support too. These guys are no picnic to be around sometimes. But I know there are days when it takes great patience and flexibily to be a HAMM member. The fact that they are still here must mean they really love us. Let them have their club.