Not a day passes when I find myself defending myself or dodging a punch or kick from the little Stag. This sounds worse than what actually happens. Lucas seem to think playtime must involve throwing a roundhouse or a hook at either Mom, Dad, Ian, or an imaginary opponent.
It starts before school begins in the morning. He rolls into bed with me for a few more minutes of snoozing (plus I think the body heat generated by John alone is very comforting and soothing). I will wrap my arms and my blanket around Lucas ready to smell his head and give him a kiss when i find a fist under my chin. What is that? He doesn't throw the fist. He just kind of forms it and places it gently under my chin as if to say "Good Morning! Watch your back!"
At morning assembly at school, while the Principal is talking, Lucas is crouched like a tiger (kung fu style) eyes focused on an invisible enemy while he throws a punch. The kid in front of him and behind him just glance at him and turn back toward the Prinicipal. Ironically, I have never received notes from his teacher for fighting, bullying, or punching actual kids at school.
When I pick up Lucas from school, he is happy to see me and gives me a sweet (and sweaty) hug and kiss as soon as he walks out of his classroom. But immediately after that, we pass by 2 sign posts and a fire hydrant that Lucas must kick on our way to the car. Again, they are not strong enough to cause any kind of damage, they seem to represent practice dummies or something...

During dinner, it's not unusual for Lucas to randomly kick under the table. He will throw a punch at my butt on his way to the fridge to get a popsicle or some juice. At tickle fight between us will usually involve a front kick or axe kick to fend off my artfully placed tickles (right below the armpits where the ribs protrude the most). I do remind him whenever he makes contact with my body or anyone else's that he need to be gentle so that he does not hurt anyone. I believe he understands that because his nature is so gentle and sweet. But when he does land a kick square in the middle of my tibia (shin bone), I wonder...
I can't help but think that we have a martial artist in our midst... John is sooo excited at that idea. Maybe we will find a training facility next to a therapist's office... just in case =)